More than 50 years experience

Sand Blasting Services Greater London Area

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Greater London Area specialist sandblasting and restoration services

We are specialist sandblasting service providers in Greater London Area for all metal and aluminium items.
Expert shot blasting is fundamental part of restoration when metal and aluminium items require complete rust removal without damage to the surface and it is essential treatment prior to powder coating or nay other finishing touches. Finishing treatments such as spray painting, polish and powder coating are not long lasting and effective if expert shot blasting is not used at the very first stage of the restoration process.

Our 20 years of experience in the paint stripping and furniture restoration industry is noticed and valued by our customers.
The sandblasting technique is a natural progression and expansion of our services simply because of the quality outcome when used to restore metal, aluminium, and cast-iron items where paint removal technique is not recommended due to the items unique and fragile state or items with stubborn stains and differentiation in materials they are made of.

In many years of work and dedication in the paint stripping and restoration industry, our team has developed a triage approach when we receive orders to ensure that the most adequate treatment is used to achieve the desired outcome and prevent damage. Sandblasting was one of our additional treatments as a solution when we receive enquiries regarding restoration and paint stripping of metal, cast iron and aluminium items.
Sandblasting is provided at our environmentally friendly workshops and not on site to reduce pollution, to provide attention to detail, fast and quality service.

Our Work

Our Process

  1. 1. Customers can contact us via email or chat to one of our advisers.
  2. 2. Book collection on agreed date and time.
  3. 3. Our drivers provide safe collection and delivery service.
  4. 4. Once the items are restored, we provide an update with a photo upon request.
  5. 5. Delivery is booked as soon as the items are ready to be returned back to the customer.
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Items suitable for sandblasting treatments and restoration are:

  • Metal furniture
  • Aluminium chairs and tables
  • Metal gates
  • Metal radiators
  • Metal fireplaces, and surrounds
  • Metal benches - cast iron
  • Car parts/panels and bike frames
  • Alloy wheels
  • All other metal, cast iron and aluminium items

We offer a polishing service as a finishing touch of the restoration process.
We collect and deliver at a very reasonable price in Greater London Area.

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